Social Justice – call for entries

I just received this call for entries from The Ink Shop & Olive Branch Press.

The postmark deadline is July 18th.  Consider submitting up to three images!

“The Ink Shop Printmaking Center is a not-for-profit that promotes fine art prints, works on paper, and artists’ books.  Founded in 1999, The Ink Shop is operated by artists who offer a professional, open access, community-based printmaking facility and gallery.”

This exhibition is a reflection and a statement about current social justice issues and events on a local, national, and international level. The topics of social justice are vast: racism, classicism, sexuality, poverty, etc. The work takes on many forms and styles of printmaking: narrative, abstraction, figurative, and conceptual. This art serves to educate and sensitize the viewer to various issues while conveying an underlying philosophy to the commitment to social justice, humanism, and collective responsibility. Expressions of strength, pain, humor, as well as defiance used by the artist reflect not only their diverse personal views and opinions, but also are used to facilitate awareness and promote dialogue. Daumier, Kathe Kollwitz, Goya, Sue Coe, ASARO, The Beehive Collective, John Hitchcock, and Eric Avery serve as good examples of artists whose work continues in the long tradition of social justice advocacy. We encourage submissions using all forms of printmaking techniques.

Submission Guidelines
• CD (Digital Slide): Artists may submit up to 3 images. Digital images must be high resolution: 300 dpi at 6” longest length and should be in jpeg (JPG) format. The name of each file must begin with the artist’s last name followed by the image number and correspond to the submission form.
Example: Herbig1classicism.jpg
• To submit electronically follow directions at this link
• In person deliveries can be made to the address below.

Selection Process
$200 cash prize will be awarded to First place. The juror will be Dusty Herbig, Assistant Professor of Art, at Syracuse University, teaches printmaking. Over five years, Herbig’s art has often touched on political and social themes, including population concerns, political corruption and environmental abuse.

Juror’s Statement:
First, I would like to thank the committee at the Ink Shop, for inviting me to select work for this exhibition. Social Justice is a particularly poignant subject for the title of a national exhibition in today’s complicated sociopolitical climate. Given the constant tide of fresh and recurring subject matter for activist artists to explore, the opportunity to select work for this exhibition should be a diagrammatic experience of current issues.

During a recent lecture by a prominent social activist, I was empowered, hearing references and explanations to the term stability, and instability on numerous occasions. This terminology describing subtle interpretation of foreign policy, and its definitions, resonated with me and will certainly find its way into future creative research and academic expectations.

This recent experience and my invitation to jury this exhibition were serendipitous and rejuvenated the rigor in my activist/artistic practice. With fresh perspective about what sociopolitical priorities might be, I look forward to seeing what the artists of 2011 have to say about our world, both good and bad.

View Herbig’s work at

Mail Submissions to:
The Ink Shop Printmaking Center
RE: Social Justice
301 E. MLK/State St.
Ithaca, NY 14850

Timeline (postmark deadline)
Submission Deadline July 18, 2011
Notification August 5
Artwork Delivery August 25 (must arrive by 8/25!)
Opening Reception September 2
Exhibition duration September 2- 28
Pick up/ Return works by October 8

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