Choose Cohoes For Art This Friday


It’s a Rockin’ Friday in Cohoes as the Choose Cohoes For Art gang show their stuff at the Cohoes Farmers Market followed by the Canal Square Concert Series, this week featuring local heroes,  BackBeat.

Kathy will be at the Farmer’s Market, with scarves and other works for sale, right across Remsen Street from her new show at Harmony House MarketPlace, which contains images of bits of textile flotsam along the Mohawk that reveal Cohoes fabric history.

Cohoes is a really exciting place to be this summer.  The 3d annual Cohoes Artist Showcase was a great show, and the energy continues.

Our August 10 Tribute Block Printing Class for Lise Toch (Noon-5) only has one seat left open and Kathy continues to do private scarf printing classes for groups of women who want to get together and create wearable art for themselves and each other.

Summer is great here in Cohoes! We hope you join us this Friday!



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